Blood Fountain - Restores 1 life per click.
Fountain of Tears - +1 to one attribute, -1 to another attribute.
Murky Pool - Casts an Infravision spell.
Purifying Spring - Restores 1 mana per click.
Abandoned Shrine - +2 dexterity.
Creepy Shrine - +2 strength.
Cryptic Shrine - Casts a Nova spell and restores mana
Divine Shrine - Restores health and mana. Gives one Potion of Full Mana and one Potion of Full Life.
Eerie Shrine - +2 magic.
Eldritch Shrine - All potions become rejuvenation potions.
Enchanted Shrine - Lose 1 slvl for one spell (2 if it is at level 15). All other known spells gain 1 slvl.
Fascinating Shrine - Lose 10% of base mana and increases Firebolt 2 slvl.
Glimmering Shrine - Identifies all items in your inventory.
Hidden Shrine - -10 durability to one item equipped. +10 durability to all others equipped (never destroys an item).
Holy Shrine - Casts a Phasing spell.
Magical Shrine - Casts a Mana Shield spell.
Mysterious Shrine - +5 to one attribute, -1 to all others.
Ornate Shrine - Lose 10% of base mana and increases Holy Bolt 2 slvl.
Quiet Shrine - +2 vitality.
Religious Shrine - Restores all items to full durability.
Sacred Shrine - Lose 10% of base mana and increases Charged Bolt 2 slvl.
Secluded Shrine - Gives complete map of current level.
Spiritual Shrine - Gives a small amount of gold to each empty slot in your inventory.
Spooky Shrine - All other players get life and mana restored.
Stone Shrine - Restores charges in all staves.
Tainted - Does not affect user but other players get +1 to one attribute and -1 to all other attributes.